Monday, March 30, 2009

Tiger Trap - Fat Tulips - Sissy Bar

Are you really into cutesy twee-sy indie pop? Yeah, me neither. But it's in my Mediafire account, so here you go anyway!

Tiger Trap - Tiger Trap.rar Tiger Trap - Sour Grass EP.rar
Since you asked, here is my expert opinion on Rose Melberg's musical output: Tiger Trap = fun! Go Sailor = cute, if kind of redundant. The Softies = I have had better times zonked out of my mind on potassium bromide. Solo = Eh, who knows? The point is, you should totally download their first album and listen to "Supreme Nothing." And then "My Broken Heart." And then "For Sure." And then the rest of the album, if you're not kind of sick of it already.

Fat Tulips - Starfish.rar
I bought this album for one reason: "So Unbelievable."

Sissy Bar - Statutory Grape
I bought this album for two reasons: the painfully sweet "Trailer Song" and "Gin 'n' Juice," the cutest rendition of a Snoop Dogg song since Shirley Temple did "Doggystyle."

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Team Dresch Collection: Like a box set, but crappier

Pop-inflected[1] political-y punk-y lesbian angst with lots of guitars and girls singing in unison! Are you not in love already? Are they not already your fifth favorite band of all time?

Personal Best.rar
Highlights: Fagetarian & Dyke, Freewheel, Fake Fight, #1 Chance Pirate TV

Captain My Captain.rar
Highlights: Uncle Phranc, 107, Take On Me, Musical Fanzine

Hand Grenade PLUS.rar
The "Hand Grenade" 7 inch plus the songs "Deattached," "Venus Lacy," "Temporary Insurance," "The Lesbionic Story," and my #1 Fave Team Dresch track, "Song For Anne Bannon." All presented to you free of charge because I'm a giver! Ignore the horrible sound quality most of these have. Just play them extra loud, and you totally won't notice!

[1]I know this is officially one of the most irksome musical adjectives ever, but what did you want me to say? "Poppy"? "Pop-ish"? I can't help it! Quit judging me!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lush - Gala, Topolino

Hello, Interwebs! I've never had an illicit .rar blog before, so I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to do with the first post. Write a mission statement? Post nudes? Ask for money?

Okay, well, here's the deal: I'm going to post stuff. Hopefully, the aforementioned stuff will be under-the-radar enough that no record company fat cats or starving artists googling themselves will contact me and cry about copyright infringement. Ideally, I will help a few people track down something they've been looking for since forever. Realistically, I assume that the only people who will find this illicit .rar blog at all interesting are me, as I'm mainly reposting random stuff that I had trouble finding online and think deserves a wider internet presence.

Anyway, I thought I'd start by posting all the stuff already in my Mediafire account before getting to the really cool stuff. First up, Lush! I've only bothered to make a list of my top five favorite bands[1], but I bet Lush is somewhere in the top ten.

A fab compilation of their first three EPs, featuring one of my all-time fave ABBA covers (Track 14, Hey Hey Helen). It's Classic Lush: really pretty and shoegazey with indecipherable lyrics about trees and having sex on clouds. Honestly, I may love it more than any actual Lush album. Great for sleeping, making out, general summer fun-having, making pancakes, etc.

A fantastic compilation of b-sides from their last album, featuring: my all-time favorite cover of "I Have The Moon" by the Magnetic Fields; a very cute cover of "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" by the Rubinoos, which you may notice sounds a bit like that Avril Lavigne song everyone hated a few years ago; a bunch of cracking pop songs; and a few pleasant instrumentals. This is from what I guess Important Music Writers refer to as their "Britpop" period, if that means anything to you. Good for cleaning to, putting in Gregg Araki movies, and walking the dog to.

[1]For future reference:
1. The Magnetic Fields/Stephin Merritt in general
2. Silver Jews
3. Camper Van Beethoven
4. ????
5. Team Dresch
Yeah, I don't know.