Tuesday, July 19, 2011

GRL PWR: Bratmobile, Julie Ruin, Huggy Bear, The Murmurs

Let's see what ye old Mediafire account has for us today:

Bratmobile! Not the best of Bratmobile, but it works. Highlights: "Are You A Lady?" and "Shop for America." As far as mp3s go, they're on the low quality end (128kbps), but it's fuckin' Bratmobile. It's not going to sound nice no matter how HQ it is.

Another lo-bitrate lo-fi offering, this time from the Riot Queen herself: Kathleen Hanna! This is the fabled missing link between Bikini Kill and Le Tigre, people. It's an album that sounds like it was recorded in somebody's bathroom...and probably was. What I'm trying to say is that it's pretty great. Quintessential summer album!
If you're curious about Julie (Juliecurious?) but not ready to commit to an ENTIRE album, I'd recommend trying the only other Julie Ruin song of which I am aware, The Well. It's got all you could ask for out of Julie Ruin: subdued singing about eating gas station chips and her fucked up friends over a ticky-tacky reproduction of the Stones' "Satisfaction" on a synthesizer Kathleen must have found in a dumpster. I can't stop listening to it!

The Huggy Bear wikipage is both short and worth reading, so read it. This is the Huggy Bear half of a Huggy Bear/Bikini Kill split album and it's pretty kickass. "T-Shirt Tucked In" is probably one of my favorite songs of all time for 3 reasons:
1. it has never failed to make me shake my ass
2. the line "all night long cleavage beat initiation" (???)
3. I used to think he said "alt-turtleneck" at some point, which I guess isn't a word. I always thought it would be a good name for a musical sub-genre.
But there really isn't a dud in the bunch, in my opinion. Other favorites include:
"Into the Mission,""Hopscortch," and "Aqua Girl Star," which MUST be a tribute to Heavenly. Could it really be a coincidence that, after using the same bit from Big Top Pee Wee that prefaces "I Fell In Love Last Night," they launch into the twee-est song on the album? I WANT TO BELIEVE!

I can't shake the feeling that I would have found this album loads more compelling (??) back when I was twelve and only had classic rock radio and No Doubt for comparison. But like most twelve-year-olds, I had a pretty good ear for pop music and the album delivers on that front. Let's see, "I'm A Mess," "Don't Lie" and "Squeeze Box Days" are great for stupid angsty days, while "Sucker Upper" and the perplexing surf-country "Underdog" are perfect for your beach mix. If you ever needed a Murmurs album ("No, I didn't."), it's this one.

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